Tuesday 26 August 2014

Manchester United on a downward spiral.

First of all I want to congratulate Man United on their recent acquisition, the ever so wonderful Angel Di Maria, I know for sure he is going to be a hit in England because he is a high profile player and he is talented. Now that I got that out of the way, I am watching Man United playing against MK Dones tonight and I cannot believe what I am seeing, I mean is like they are afraid of holding on to the ball for a minute or two, all the goals that MK Dones scored came from Man United conceding possession, they lack confidence on the ball, I do not know what LVG tells them but whatever it is it's not working, he needs to come up with a way to re-instill confidence in his squad or forget about finishing anywhere near the top four, if you cannot even win against teams from the lower league how do you expect to win against teams like Chelsea and Man City. defensively the less said the better, they just cannot defend. usually when top teams fail to defend properly they can at least attack with purpose and outscore their rivals, but with Man United it is the opposite, they can't defend or attack. That never die spirit that made them the best team in the world over the years is gone and it will take a miracle to bring it back, they will need someone like Mourinho who knows how to get the best out of his players. I know it will take time for LVG to re-build Man United but the question is, just how much time does he need?

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