Sunday 14 September 2014


It is the first game for the Red Devils after the transfer window closed, today Van Gaal will the opportunity to field the players he believes are Man United material. They are without a win this season and he blamed the players for the poor results citing that they were not his kind of players, well he bought a lot of players, top quality players that is, He has the quality now to win games and maybe finish in the top four.

Personally i cannot wait to see Di Maria and Falcao in action, they are really good players if played in their preferred positions. I think if Van Gaal wants to get the best out of Di Maria and Falcao he needs to play 4-4-2, that will give them the freedom to attack more, his back three are not comfortable with ball, if you want to play three at the back you need players who are comfortable in possession of the ball. So far he does not have that, they give away a lot of possession which puts them under pressure. He should just stick to the traditional 4-4-2 until he buys the right players for his preferred three at the back. I hope they win today.

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