Sunday, 20 July 2014

Chelsea is taking the League this season

I watched all Chelsea games last season and I have to say they were amazing especially against the bigger clubs, now all they have to do is apply the same energy and intelligence they applied when playing the big teams against the small clubs and the League and the champions league is going to be theirs.

Man City were lucky last season and I don't think they are going to be a threat this season so is Liverpool, Man United is still in a building face so I don't see them challenging for the title as for Arsenal we all know they know how to start on a positive note they just lack that killer mentality that Chelsea possesses.

 Chelsea has The Special One and the some of the best players in the world with the likes of Fabrigas, Oscar, Hazard, Metic and Mohaamed Salah just to mention the few and mind you this are all young players whom are eager to succeed.

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